The United States: |
Photos from @superbug.hunter on Instagram
Photos from @madebykatrina on Instagram
Reopening ≠ Safety
As states gradually begin implementing reopening policies for businesses and public spaces, it's important to understand the facts and consequences to these policies.
Picture and more info can be found here:
Picture Courtesy of Taylor Harris
a sticker of this is available for purchase :) Masks will slow down the spread of covid-19 and help countries safely emerge from lockdown and quarantine. Below is an imagine comparison between countries that either required masks or had a large population that wore masks.
Image from @jperla on Twitter, Information gathered from Johns Hopkins University.
Gradually states across the USA are beginning to implement laws that require citizens to wear masks in public places. It's important to stay updated on laws in the area you live. Regardless of whether it is mandatory however, the CDC urges everyone to wear a mask and there is heavy research that shows masks are effective.
Wear A D*mn Mask. At all times.Wearing a mask at this time is crucial to the health of you individually and the general public. It's important to understand: why wearing a face mask is necessary; what can be done in the case where a face mask is not available/can't be worn; what are the different types of face masks; the importance of wearing a face mask for the general population. To better understand the facts and myths of wearing a mask and overall the spread of covid-19 refer to:
Not all face masks or coverings are the same. To stay well protected it's important to know the difference between different types of masks. If you opt for cloth masks it's also crucial to use filters!
All states in red are states with laws requiring masks be worn. For more info:
It is more important than ever to stay up to date on news and exercise your voting rights. Currently, all information about Covid-19 will now be reported directly to the HHS and The White House Coranavirus Task Force rather than the CDC. Remember, who you vote into office makes a huge impact on policies that directly affect YOUR health.
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